Segment 1
milky fisheye with fire slow zoom fire flickers in reflection
slightly wider shot of eye, fly lands on eye
close up of some flames (3-frame loop)
overhead shot smoking flaming crash site (3-frame loop) woods sounds of crickets and such as usual
really wide forest shot with little glowing line and wisps of smoke
Segment 2
stars shot comet barely visible. stars twinking in 3-frame loop. Silence. Weird radio noise fades in.
space shot, comet visible. faint rumbling
med shot comet. rumbling a bit louder
Segment 3
comet over field daytime. It is orange instead of blue. Cows looking up
comet over ocean
comet over mountains
Segment 4
in forest, birds tweeting.
looking up in forest, comet visible, growing in size.
white screen crash sounds, loop back to segment 1
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Alien Segment Shot List
This is the shot list that Tiffany and I came up with for the alien segments.